A Grown Man Learning To Love Himself

Chapter 1: Don’t Cry For Me

ezer agyin
2 min readFeb 13, 2022
Reflections by ezer agyin

I’ve been at your mercy. Serving pieces of my heart with ice for your pleasure. I loved you unapologetically. I poured the last drop of my love in your wine glass while you busily polished your pearls. It’s no fault of yours I tell myself; your world got bigger and you only have two hands. The mighty two hands of Mnemosyne can’t hold the dead weight of my love.

I’ve been at your mercy, way too long I lost my independence. Asking your permission to breathe, I forgot I once took a breath without you. I tell myself it’s okay; you only have one mouth, if you don’t ask me to breathe, on my death bed, I can claim I died for your love.

I’ve been at your mercy this long I forgot though love means ‘to sacrifice' it takes two to love. I have drained every blood in me to red-carpet you to my heart. But on the verge of my demise, I heard your whispers accusing me of being selfish. For dying this soon, leaving you to the much capable love of everything else you're busy for but me.

Darling, what have you sacrificed for our love lately?

Your claim of love of deniable, my love

Sincerely yours before,
The one you should have loved unconditionally.



ezer agyin

I live under the spell of the third house. Possessed, and cannot be saved.